Prove me wrong: Wonder Woman being paired as a romantic partner to superman is not just gross to think about, but completely slaughters both of them as a character.
Superman is one of the characters whose choice of love is EXTREMELY important to his character, and I would say there is one giant rule that must be followed when picking one for him. DO NOT make his partner a person who has powers, is a god, is alien to earth, and isnt a human. The whole point of supermans love intrest is that he wants to be closer to humanity; he wnats to live among humans as one of their own despite being an alien.
Which is why you do not pick someone who fits the nature I said is bad earlier, ESPECIALLY someone like wonder woman. This match is the quivilant of the annoying high school QB and Captain of the cheer team in those highschool movies. Oh lets put the strongest male JL member with the strongest female JL member, what a great idea.
So not only does this just straight up ruin superman, it leaves out lois or other great female characters un superman stories. Its sad the around the new 52, writers were trying to get rid of lois from superman stories so bad, it was so obvious as well lol.
Superman is an alien who desires to just live a happy simple human life like he enjoyed as a child. He yearns for that more than anything. To have him settle down with a demi-goddess is just a giant middle finger to the people who made superman and the fans who love him. Lois stole his heart partly because she is brimming with a strength he admires and recognizes as incredibly grounded in humanity.
Wonder Woman is an Amazon and empowered with gifts of the gods. Her mission is to be a sort of bridge of her heritage to humanity. To be in a relationship with Superman would be almost a rejection of said humanity. She should be the "dominant" one in the relationship.
Story wise it isn't even entertaining or mildly intresting as well. Seeing Superman with wonderwoman is like seeing your step siblings dating each other or your cousins dating each other. Its weird and honestly gross.
Firstly for Wonder Woman, given her history and value, she should be paired with someone who is male, and is obviously weaker than her and/or has no powers. Batman and Steve trevor to me are the best for this. It also can elevate batman as a character, who finally can be with someone who he does not need to worry about and protect. He can finally let go of that and lead a happier life.
Im not gonna speak too much about this, but I wanna know what other people think. I seriously think though that Superman and Wonderwoman being put together is gross and just kills both values and cores of the characters and creates for a lame, boring, and stupid relationship.