Today’s Tubi Treasure is Full Moon Fever (2023)
Folks, I’ve been a fool. All this time, I thought I had been watching actual “so-bad-they’re-good” movies, but then I saw this, and I realized that I had just been tickling the tip of the proverbial iceberg. This is some next-level stuff, and no matter what I say, I will not be able to do it justice. It’s a masterclass in incompetence and weird choices. There was a scene that I had to rewind numerous times, all because I was sure I had just seen a man shake up a bottle of Dr. Pepper before drinking it. I don’t know what’s what, but this is a top 10 all-timer for me. Trailer below.
Folks, I’ve been a fool. All this time, I thought I had been watching actual “so-bad-they’re-good” movies, but then I saw this, and I realized that I had just been tickling the tip of the proverbial iceberg. This is some next-level stuff, and no matter what I say, I will not be able to do it justice. It’s a masterclass in incompetence and weird choices. There was a scene that I had to rewind numerous times, all because I was sure I had just seen a man shake up a bottle of Dr. Pepper before drinking it. I don’t know what’s what, but this is a top 10 all-timer for me. Trailer below.