They were ducks!
Who is more evil?
Old school comic villains with terrible color palettes
What song is he playing
How screwed are you?
What’s the most overused or overrated monster in the series?
Ain't no way I'm choosing the fourth one what are your choices
Whose the most obscure Godzilla kaiju you can think of?
Which Burning variant do you like more? Heisei or MonsterVerse?
How was America gaslit into thinking Godzilla’s green?
Kirby just swallowed you. What ability did he get??
What Godzilla was the biggest menace?
So do monsters need personality in order for you as the viewer to like them?
What’s the most embarrassing death/defeat in Godzilla history?
You are faced with a decision that requires careful consideration: upstairs or downstairs
My profile has been under review since September 2024
I need Godzilla images to cheer me up.
In a surprising turn, Heisei Rodan was nominated for the position, now for Mechagodzilla in our Perfect Godzilla series
Which Ghidorah design is the best
Day #6: What is the MOST FORGETTABLE Nostalgia Critic Episode?
Which anime is widely disliked, but you remain neutral toward it?
What’s the consensus on this show?
Share your best pictures of animals that deserve to be used as inspiration for Kaiju.
Sonic 3 characters with semi-realistic body proportions + Tails redesign
Godzilla from the children’s book series Mythical Monsters